Do You Give Enough Focus to Mobile in Your Marketing Strategy?

Do You Give Enough Focus to Mobile in Your Marketing Strategy?

In 2015, mobile web searches outnumbered those done from a PC for the first time ever. This tipping point came after years of escalating mobile usage, and makes a lot of sense. If you own both a smartphone (check out this site if you need I phone unlocking services) and a tablet, then you have two mobile devices you are browsing the web on, and may be inclined to use your less portable and convenient laptop less even at home, but especially on the go.

Teens using smartphones

Because mobile internet technology made us change from only using the web at work or at home in the evenings to using it everywhere, we started searching more and more, and eventually got so used to having the facility to do it anywhere that we found ourselves accessing the web even more on our mobile devices than our computers. This all makes perfect sense. However, some businesses have not yet addressed the shift and still don’t give enough attention to mobile in their web marketing strategies.

Mobile SEO

One of the most important aspects of web marketing for most businesses is making sure their site is easy to find, and so a lot of companies put heavy focus on SEO. However, what you may not realise is that mobile Google searches work differently to desktop searches, and this is especially important when it comes to searches for local businesses. Make sure you consider mobile when you are thinking about SEO.

App Store Optimisation

App Store

Some businesses may feel that they are serving mobile users very well by having their own mobile app. This certainly does help, however a different form of SEO is important here too. Optimising the content around the download of your app so it is easy for people to find you on the app store is important, because there are now hundreds of thousands of apps available for both iOS and Android and you need to be visible in that marketplace.

Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design – that is a site design that automatically optimises itself for the device it is being viewed on, is far from new. In fact, Google will no longer even return sites that don’t have mobile versions or responsive designs when you search on a phone or tablet. There are, however, still plenty of businesses that have not addressed this, and who are losing out on traffic as a result. No matter how good your marketing content is, if it can’t be found easily or can’t be viewed properly on a mobile phone or tablet, you are going to get bad results.

It is almost certain that mobile usage will keep on increasing, so maybe now is a good time to audit your approaches and ensure that you are putting enough focus into marketing to your mobile users. This is another reason why web marketing strategies need to be reviewed and updated almost continuously, and why it is important to keep an eye on these kinds of trends.